Saturday, August 15, 2009

Confessions of a grumpy Mommy

A headache. A 5am wake-up caused by a very cranky little girl (no - she didn't cause the headache, but I doubt she's helped much to relieve it). An uncooperative 5 year old with sensory issues that seem to be really making a star appearance this morning. A long car ride ahead with no hubby to enjoy it with. A ferry ride in addition to the car ride. Again, no one to help out with potty runs and the like on the ferry (I sure hope no one has to pee when someone else is asleep in the car...). All for a trip to a very un-baby-safe house on a beach with a bunch of family members - some of whom I enjoy, some I strain to be pleasant around. Four very excited - and very rambunctious - children. And a bad attitude that I just can't seem to shake this morning.

I know that there is plenty of opportunity for fun and for joy today. There will be swimming and pot-lucking. There will be beach combing and blackberry picking. There might even be kayaking and sea fishing. The kids will be happy and dirty and off-the-wall delighted with the entire day.

But all I want is a good book and a long nap.

Do you ever just have one of those days where it just takes a whole lot of effort to smile for anyone? Well, to be 100% honest, that's me today. I wish I could just get over it. But so far all me wishing is not actually making a dent in the little black cloud I seem to be wearing over my head right now.

Gee, I hope I can pull it together before we arrive at the family gathering so I don't look like a complete humbug. ;o) Even reading this I can see what a terrible grump and complainer I am being. But I'm stuck. It won't go away.

Right. Well. Off I go to load the car and pack lunches. Man I just hope that at the very least this headache would just vanish.

OK. I'm done complaining now. I'm sure I'll have a lovely day. Eventually. ;o)

1 comment:

mary grace said...

Everyone deserves a day in bed with a book. In college, we called those Mental Health Days. Sounds like you need a Mental Health Day.