Girly Pie was just a smiling cutie pie all day long. She has figured out this whole napping thing recently, and that is lovely. She has always been a long napper, but has just recently
mastered napping in her crib (rather than on my body or in her swing) and going to sleep smoothly without needing to be completely nursed to sleep. So with nice regular-ish naps, she is just happy as a clam when she's awake. She started rolling over last week, and is so pleased with her self whenever she can do it. And I love, love, LOVE this stage when they reach for your face and pet your cheeks and try to kiss you all over and eat you up with big, wet, toothless baby kisses. Mmm. She is just edible right now.
And Goose... two year olds are really such a mixed bag, aren't they? Not too long ago I was posting about how trying he was and how defiant he was in his attempts to gain his independence in toddlerhood. And now? Well, now Goose is right back to being the darling Golden Child of the house. He says the cutest little things and all of us, big brothers included, just delight in meal time conversations right now, as he parrots random words and phrases he picks up from our discussions. He's irresistible in his
bright eyed excitement... when he wants your attention, he'll get right in your face (within an inch or two) and widen his eyes beyond what seems natural, and jabber semi-intelligibly some long, exciting thing, with only one or two clear key words to clue you into what exactly it is he's so excited about. It's very cute. And when he says "MOMMY!?" and gets right up in there with a little pucker on his lips, to plant the sweetest little kiss on my lips? Well. He's just such a goose right now.
And then there is my Finny. He is so delightful to watch in action when he's in good spirits. And though he goes through rough patches, as a general rule he's in a good mood more often than not.
Today he was watching a little live action fire truck video with Goose while I prepped some school stuff (gotta love Dave and his live action series!) and in the middle of it he ran off and grabbed some paper and coloring supplies. Now Finny is not a man to miss a second of any movie. So I figured it had to be something good. Sure enough, by the end of the 30
minute video he had drawn a really wonderful picture of a firetruck racing to a burning building. He had colored the firetruck in fine detail just as he'd seen on the video, but I was even more impressed with the background. It's one thing for my boy to draw an impressive item. He's quite artistic and loves to draw daily. But usually he just draws the item of interest and moves on to a new piece of paper and a new interesting item. But this picture had the detailed truck along with an impressive background. And on top of all that, he named the fire fighter driving the fire truck. Apparently his name was David. And Finny sounded and wrote it out all on his own. Anyway, it's just a four year old's artwork. But I was impressed. I'll add it here for your viewing pleasure as well. Note the burning building on the left. No detail was missed.
So anyway, I am just busily drinking in all the wonder and sweetness of my darlings. They have just melted away any vestiges of my blues from last week. I love watching them play together. I love how all three of my boys melt when they see their baby sister and cannot go past her without stopping to say hi and give her a kiss or a hug or a kind word. I love how Goose follows Finny and Punky around and how they usually welcome him along for the ride. I love how I can scoop any one of them up and hug and kiss and tickle them until they can hardly breath, and no one complains about it or fights it. I love that when her Daddy walks by Girly Pie will smile and reach out for him, and he will in turn break into an ear splitting grin and grab her and snuggle her right up to his chest. And then she looks at me with a very satisfied expression, as if to share her glee with me. I love how all the boys clamor to tackle their Daddy when he walks through the door. And how he falls to the floor to let them do it.
Ahh. Life is oh so sweet.
So glad to hear that Dave and his "live action" videos are still around. One small visitor asked if they could borrow, "One of these fat dvds?" and then watched it almost constantly for the week before bringing it back.
Gorgeous imagery in your post - thanks for sharing.
All your babies are adorable. It's great their mom is so in love with them!
See what I mean! The love you have for your family just oozes out of your posts (in a really good way!). It melts MY heart to read your descriptions of the kids. Thanks for sharing more pictures! I love reading how your older boys include Goose in on their fun. That's not the case in a lot of families, so kudos to you and your husband for encouraging all the kids to play together.
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