Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Big Day

Finny lost his first tooth today.

And I'm in a bit of shock.

I mean, yes, I knew it was loose. But I didn't know it was THAT loose. And it's FINNY. My BABY. The boy who will never, ever grow up. So how can he be losing teeth already!? That's Punky's job. He's lost 8 already, so I'm used to that now with him. ;o)

So now my sweet five year old Finny has a delightful little gap-toothed smile and he is so thrilled to be the one losing his first tooth, FINALLY! It seems he's been waiting forever for those teeth to wiggle. And now he's had the chance to live that proud and exciting moment, when you first feel that little tooth pop out and land in your hand.

The kind of sad part is that we were over at a friend's house for dinner, totally unprepared for such a major event. So we have no pictures or anything! And we got home late and popped the kids in bed, so all I could get were some quick shots of him in his dim bedroom half asleep and blinking from the flash. So I guess we'll take all the billions of shots of him with his gappy grin tomorrow instead.

So tonight my baby boy gets to fall asleep with the anticipation of wondering what he might find under his pillow in the morning...

And I get to start a whole new collecting of little teeth for my next boy, who is driving home the point that they do all, indeed, grow up... bit by bit.

1 comment:

Mom Of E's said...

Yay, Finny! Was he really excited, or a little freaked out? Elle's lost two now. She was way freaked out about her first.

Is he feeling like a real big boy now?

Congrats to Finny, and I can't wait to see pics (if you decide to post them).
