Monday, June 15, 2009

That's a first...

We've lost plenty of teeth in this house.

In fact, this morning the 10th tooth of the family was lost. So it wasn't the actual losing of a tooth that got to me this time. It was the method by which said tooth was lost.

Today while I was making lunch Punky and Finny were upstairs in their room working on tidying up their Lego area. Finny came running downstairs full of excitement and anticipation to tell me about how his already loose tooth was suddenly REALLY loose. He had been taking apart a Lego creation and had used his teeth to pry apart a particularly stubborn piece. Of course I never allow them to pry Legos apart with their teeth. I've actually a purchased a nifty little tool made specifically for prying stubborn Legos apart just so that my children will not chip and crack their precious teeth. But when I'm not looking, apparently they just do it anyway...

But I digress...

So He asked if I could pull it the rest of the way and I told him it wasn't quite ready for that, but that I thought it would surely come out sometime this week.

I thought that was the end of it, as he happily went back upstairs to finish the Lego cleaning. But then I heard a wild stampeding of feet as someone came galloping across the upstairs hall and down the stairs into the kitchen where I was still working towards making lunch.

And there was Funny, smiling maniacally with a slight tinge of blood in his mouth and a tooth in his hand. He was so excited as he announced with a thrill, "Mom, Punky came up with this great idea and he got my tooth out!!!"

I was still trying to piece it all together as Punky came trotting up behind Finny to tell me in better detail what exactly had happened.

So apparently Punky's "brilliant" idea was that if a Lego had loosened the tooth to begin with, then surely that was a good tool to use to remove the tooth once and for all.

And so he happily presented this idea to his little brother, who trustingly allowed his big brother to wedge a long, thin Lego piece to his wiggly little tooth... and yank with all his might until the thing popped out.

Yes. My seven year old pried out my five year old's tooth with a Lego piece.

Ick. Ewwww. Talk about giving me the willies.

It is funny now in hindsight, to imagine Finny happily going along with his brother's genius plan of tooth removal. Now let me just state for the record that never in a million years would Punky let anyone near one of his loose teeth with a Lego in hand. Oh no. That boy starts crying at the mere thought of discomfort, let alone the actual real potential for pain.

But apparently he had no trouble whatsoever inflicting that kind of pain on his little brother. Nope. No trouble at all.

Finny admitted that yes, it did indeed hurt quite a bit when he did the actual yank. But as soon as the tooth was out, it didn't hurt anymore. So that's good, I guess.

So there you go. Yet another moment that I never saw coming in my years of mothering.

And just for the record... I did tell that that Legos were not an acceptable form of tooth removal in the future. Next time, just come ask Mommy for the floss and I'll let you try to tie the thing up and pull it out that way. I'm not sure why, but it's somehow much less creepy.

But hey, A+ for creativity and ingenuity, huh?

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