Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today has been a day full of life in our house. It's been just delightful.

Today we ate oatmeal for breakfast, and it's oh-so fun to watch a two year old try and slop oatmeal into his mouth all by himself.

Today we (and by "we" I mean Punky and Finny... Goose, Girly Pie and I just supervised)cleaned up the boys' bedrooms. Isn't there something just so refreshing about a nice, tidy floor and fresh sheets on a bed?

Today I got to chat on the phone with my best friend, and after watching her go through a rough patch on her end, it lit up my heart to hear joy and laughter in her voice today. It's amazing how inspiring the friends that God places in your life can be, even when they haven't a clue they're doing a thing.

Today I let all three of my boys slather shaving cream all over our kitchen table. It really is just so neat to watch boys in action like that. They are always just so inspired by physical sensations in general. But to really be let loose with something to ooey, gooey, fluffy, messy, slimy and so full of aroma... well, they were completely in their element. And though it was an activity I was reminded of from a pack of toddler activity cards I got, I could not tell you which of my sons enjoyed it more, from two all the way up to a very mature and manly six and a half year old.

Today, Goose took a long, warm, splashy bath (he was, after all, covered in shaving cream) with nothing for toys save a few driftwood pieces from a long ago ocean trip. He loved it.

Today, the couch cushions were removed from the couch and many a tower, tent, fort and landing station were built. And I even let the big boys join in to what is normally reserved as a little boy activity.

Today, we baked chocolate chip cookies. And all three boys helped. We slopped ingredients in the mixer bowl, they ate oodles of chocolate chips before the final product was done, and they ingested lots and lots of raw egg (I just cannot bring myself to deny my children the pleasure... no, the sheer rapture... of eating raw cookie dough). I'm sure the sugar high will come back to bite me before the day is through. But it will have been worth it.

Today, we did a smattering of school and it was repeatedly interrupted by younger siblings. But not a one of us seemed to mind a single interruption.

Today, Girly Pie was actually able to consistently bring a toy to her mouth and work it around with her hands for a long period of time, something she has been working at for quite a while and has been so frustrated to fall short on until today. And it was so delightful to see her smile of accomplishment in doing so. I'm so glad I was fully in the moment to share that with her, and not caught up in some bigger, "more important" task elsewhere in the house.

Today, lunch consisted of a warm, melt in your mouth cookie (well, one for each boy... I admit I ate at least three), a cup of yogurt and a serving of reheated mac & cheese. Not a vegetable in sight. And I felt no guilt.

Today, there is flour on my kitchen floor, my counter is full of lunch dishes waiting to be put away, there are toys scattered on the floor, my laundry is backed up and waiting to be folded, and the majority of the people in my house have a runny nose.

Today, we also have a cooling rack laden with delectable cookies, my four children are all either resting or sleeping, and it's Friday so after today we get Daddy for three whole days (he works from home on Mondays). The mist is falling, dinner is planned, and the house smells of cookie heaven, shaving cream and fresh laundry. My children have been the best of friends today, Punky diligently working to build a pillow fort while delegating activities suitable to keep a two year old Goose involved, and not needing any direction from me on how to do it. Goose is enamored with Finny and Finny is happy to play with his little brother, much to Goose's delight. Girly Pie has been watching all three of those boys with eyes full of anticipation, and not one of them has failed to meet her gaze with a smile and a word of love today.

So yes, today we have lived life to the fullest. We have all enjoyed each other and each activity immensely. And we have the messy house to prove it.


mary grace said...

I'm taggin gyou on my blog right now. Get ready. :-)

Missus Wookie said...

Sounds like a blissful day - so glad you didn't miss it and shared it with us too!